Thursday, November 15, 2012

Growing through drama

So i have been having an issue in my life and since this my place to say whats on my mind and heart i am putting it here.I had a friend who was a birthmom and we were so excited to have adoptive parents who are friends.However as i was embracing all angles of open adoption her family was putting thoughts of the negative in her mind.And one little issue came up and just grew in her mind.She didnt discuss it with her sons parents instead venting to everyone else.I tried my best to be there and to explain that she needed to take her emotions out of it so they could work through it and not to let this destroy them.But she wouldnt listen she was convinced that it was all going badly because she wanted to co parent and couldnt see the problem there.I was getting too involved and i started to fear that with both of the sets of adoptive parents being friends if i stayed involved with her in this drama that it could affect my relationship with my son and his parents and MY SON comes first.So i stepped out of it.I explained why and that i love her but i cant be involved.I handed the issue over to the proffesionals to help her before it was too late.I told her it was hard for me because i do love her and i do want her to solve this.But instead she posted her ventings on my forum page hence disregarding my request to not be involved and putting me in the middle again.I was hurt because although she cant understand my reasons to not be involved she could have respected it.Everything i did for her was out of love even if she cant see that but her actions were just rude and childish.
  Then i got really mad because even though i dont know her sons mom very well i do now from reading the forum on Abrazos site and learning the adoptive parent side of things how very hurt this adoptive mom must be.She has done nothing wrong she still loves my friend and wants her in their life.But they must all seek professional help to work through this for the healthy relationship of the baby involved.But my friend posted a one sided view of the situation and made the adoptive mom look like she was being wrong and rude.I was livid because this is not the case.It is one thing to view someone as the bad guy and another thing to paint them the bad guy to their peers when its not the case.That was so wrong.And even though i had been out drinking with my sister in law i had the rational mindset to get the post deleted from my page.I vented a bit about it only because i could see my friend online still and said what i felt she needed to hear.I was actually really proud of myself in all of this.The old me would have dove into the drama for the need to help a friend but now i am grown enough to see that i dont need drama or negativity in my life and that it could affect my sons life.So i stepped back. A sign of growth.Then i wanted to call her when i read the post on MY page and say some not nice things as the old me would have done stocked the fire....But i didnt i vented a message that can help her if she will ever let it.
  So i have in the end figured out that even if i dont realize it all the time i have grown up and matured more than i ever realized.So thank you drama queen.

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