So in chatting with a friend and fellow birthmom tonight i realized i might actually have good advice. Dont get too excited im sure its not earth shattering brand new never heard before advice. But i know its things that helped me.
So my first tip is...realize,face and grasp the FACT that placing is not going to be easy. I do very well at hiding deep emotion and putting on a strong front,but at the agency signing papers i was bawling crying. With i might add no regrets just lots of pain and tears. But facing the fact that it is hard and it does hurt. And knowing to expect that pain will help. Dont try to be tough and hold it in because it is okay to cry! Cry until you cant breath or move or think. Because it is a healthy release. If God didnt know that we wouldnt have that ability.
This tip leads to my second tip....your new in hospital and post placement mantra is "this is not good bye". i realize this may be a hard thing to believe if you arent in an open adoption. I must first say im sorry if youre not. Secondly i would say if youre in a closed adoption. Be active! Not sexually,i mean really thats not fixing anything lol! I mean in the adoption world,in your community and if possible with your adoption agency.How you may ask? Well thank you for asking! First lets understand WHY ok. Put yourself for a minute in your childs shoes(not literally you may break a toe!) but think of them as teens. They find, out in whatever way, that they are adopted. Ok with me so far? Good. Now what is your first thought? Mad,angry,hurt whatever emotiins you have your thought is "whose my real mom?" Now youre getting it right?? Im not sure if you as a birthmom read any adoption news? I get the adoption news pages on my Facebook and Twitter. After all that is my world and my news. So anyhow if you do then you know there is a constant uproar and desire to get more adoptees and birthmoms reunited. There are registries in every state i think. And nationwide registries. So now you as your teen child are going to Google and find that first. So you as a birthmom need to Google and get registered. Id love to give tips on that but i have no clue my advice is always Google! You can figure anything out by searching the internet! After all you found me! :)
So next id become active everywhere! The internet via Facebook! Your adoption agency even if its just keeping in touch annually. Because social media and the agency that your child was placed through will be another door to look for you. Now if youre active in your community then people know you right? good talk about adoption...about placing. For several reasons. One you never know who you may help. And two if your child manages to find your town when they ask about you people will know you and that you placed. Hence inspiring a lead to you!
So You can repeat over and over "this is not good bye!" If youre in an open adoption then visits,calls,Skype whatever you will see your child again. You will know shats going on. You are not saying good bye! If youre in a closed adoption. Get active and pray...remember its not good bye reunions happen all the time!
Im sure i have more advice but my brains freezing up like an old computer so ill try again for more later...hope it helps! :)
My name is Mandi and on October 23,2012 i gave birth to a beautiful baby boy whom i fell in love with. I loved him enough to be part of blessed open adoption and placed him on October 25,2012 with his wonderful parents and now my friends.It hasnt been easy by any means but it's made me a better woman by the day. I have become a part of an open adoption community through Abrazo adoption agency and that has made all the difference.This is my journey.
Friday, November 16, 2012
Advice to birth moms
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